Monday, October 12, 2015

New year? Now? YES!

God planned for us to relocate back to Alaska in September! We did not know this, but here we are, again! Unbelievable to anyone, including us. We left Texas on September 19, and arrived on September 28. We are fairly settled and began school today. I am using Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts (with extensions for C.E.), and Raising Rockstars Preschool with R.C. I will try to write more details later about our school choices for the year.
Here are some snapshots of our 1st day.

We have certainly had our challenges during this time, but God has been very good to us. 
I have had some really weak moments when I wanted to throw in the towel. It has been an extraordinarily stressful time. But here we are. WE SURVIVED!

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