Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3

Last night, I went to bed with a headache. Partially from dehydration. I did not drink enough water at all. We are continuing to work out, but today was really challenging-hardly any energy. The little kids have a cold, so they were up and down all night. My stomach has been very upset and I don't have much energy. Still, my hunger pangs are at a minimum. I think that this is mental, since I can eat in a little while. The girls are hungry.......still, I am thankful we are able to do this together.
God is really pressing on me about how I respond to the people in this house as well as others.
I am doing ok at times, failing miserably more often.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2

So far, so good.....we're having good results and are still exercising...only day 2 though.
Lunch was hard to not eat-it smelled really good. But I have it made compared to dd2.
She doesn't see the light at the end of each day like I do. She has purposed in her heart just like Daniel. She wants to do this in the Lord's strength. DD1 is really wavering and in this half-hearted which is a bit discouraging. We have to keep our eyes up.....

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hold My Hand, Please

I snapped this picture while we were in the car today......

I tend to forget how big they get sooo quickly and how small they are at the same time. Thanking God for this moment and how I can grab His hand any time....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Day 1,Total Honesty

    I had the sudden realization of a couple of things yesterday and this morning.
      The first one is that I cannot go on a full-bore juice fast. I am still nursing. Even though dd3 is going to be 2 in a few days, from everything I am reading, it can't be good to be passing my toxins from the juice fast/cleanse straight into her system. Just the possibility that it might make her sick-no thank you. The compromise that I have been able to come up with is this: juice fast breakfast and lunch then have a real snack and real dinner.
     The second thing I realized was about myself. Even though we just started this, I can see I am too hasty in a lot of things. Like responding to the people my family. Jumping into things without researching them enough. I can see God is going to use this in ways I don't even know about yet. I pray I am listening and learning....